Saturday, August 3, 2013

the letter ended...

home is wherever you are.  

This was the end of a beautiful love letter from my husband to me.  I wondered...did he literally mean home was any place 'I' was, and not a physical home?  

Over the years, I have come to better understand that home is where your heart is (given to).   

What does home mean to you?  Is it a place or a person?  People long to be at home; your home is whatever place you long to be.  Home is a place of rest, security….of love.  

While reading the scrippys (His Word), I began to see that Jesus wants to make His home with us, in our hearts.  He wants us to know His friendship and love so that no matter where we are, we will be at home! This takes place through our covenant (like a marriage) with Him.   

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey My teaching.  My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them."  John 14:23 NIV

Do you want to know Him?  Open the door of your heart.  He is one open door away :)

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 NIV

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  1. Your words describe perfectly where we can abide, a home in Christ where we will lack nothing now and forever. But in this world I too am at home in what I do, and the one I'm with whom I love. Yes, home IS where our heart is. Your blog challenges me, thanks.

  2. I love being apart of God's home!!
    Psalm 23:6: "Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever"

  3. Cheri - my Mom said, "you topped me in your reply, because of the scripture...ha ha."

    What you wrote shows the depth of Christ in your life.

  4. Cheri - You're being 'followed'...he he.
    Great scrippy - we have a forever home!

  5. thanks for sharing that beautiful heart
    of yours:)
    breathing in deep
    the forever sense of home,

  6. How blessed were the Israelites?
    In 2 Samuel 7:10, God himself provided a home for his people, one of there own, where thy would not be disturbed. 7:11 says that even the wicked would no longer oppress them, and they would find or have rest from there enemies. I want a home like that, one that God himself watches over. ADT would be history.

    1. Last sentence should have read I am thankful for a home that God watches over. I was going for a laugh, instead of proclaiming what was mine as His child.

    2. Tabernacling same Spirit, Here and NOW - IN MESSIAH. Rev -21:22-23

  7. Mike
    I loved the scrippy you posted and got what you meant the 1st time...he he. What another great 'knowing' that He is the protector of our home - His temple - US!

  8. I likes :-) My favorite is the one the Lord loves rest securely between His shoulders. That's where I always find myself, between the Father's shoulders. I find that the enemy can't mess with me here because where Light shines, there is no darkness. My home, my rest, my security is in my Father. So many years of my life was spent searching for a father that wasn't there. But God was telling me that He's been here all along. That my natural father doesnt define me. My Spiritual father does. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know that I am blessed before the foundation of the world. I know that I am a partaker in Christ Jesus. And knowing all this means that my Home is with my father. I too sit on the right hand of my Father and because of that, I'm able to inhabit all that my daddy has for me. My home is definitely where my heart is and my Heart is with God.

  9. Yolanda

    I like what you said about your natural father not being the one who defines you, but God does.

    It sure is clear that you 'know''s heaven on earth, with Him.

