Friday, February 21, 2020

A different kind of SEE

I was just listening to the story about the good Samaritan. You know, the person who took the time to help the one in need, as opposed to those who only looked on and walked by.

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Robbers attacked him. They stripped off his clothes and beat him. Then they went away, leaving him almost dead. A priest happened to be going down that same road. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. A Levite also came by. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side too. But a Samaritan came to the place where the man was. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him. Luke 10:30-33 NIRV

It's interesting that all three men SAW the half-dead man on the road they travelled on.  However, both the priest and the Levite were able to find an excuse for passing over on the other side. Here are two men we would think would be examples of charity, showing compassion on this man.  Instead they chose to shut up their compassion.  They both moved away from really seeing. 

The Samaritan did not exhibit an idle compassion.  He didn't pass by saying, "Lord bless him" as he continued on his way. 

Jesus said it is your neighbor that we are to have compassion on. Who is your neighbor?  ALL people.  Jesus was saying we are to love each other as we love ourselves!  How do you love yourself?  Are you looking out for your-self?  To love another as yourself is to do just what you want for yourself, to please yourself.  

Would you consider taking the love of self, and turning it for the love of your fellow man who needs a touch of love and compassion of Christ that you are able to give. 

We all have busy schedules, but will you choose to SEE the real needs of others you encounter along your path today? 


  1. I love how this Scripture embodies the love we are to have towards one another. I also think it is important to use wisdom and discernment when it comes to those we choose to love. A great reminder to be aware of those around us!

  2. Love reading your response Stacey! Good point about using wisdom/discernment (all situations are not good to walk into). I am so often brought back to, love never fails. Period. WOW!

  3. A little Kindness goes a long way. We don’t really know what the person we are helping is going through. Instead of rejecting and passing by showing a little kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. I was reminded of one accession that I encountered. One day I saw an older man walking on the Highway. He was limping as he walked. I questioned why he is walking on the busy highway . I passed him as everybody else bet in my heart I felt I need to go back. I stopped and asked this man where he was gone he told me that he’s going back to his home after long day of work few miles away. I offered a ride to this man and he agreed. While we were driving I ask him a few more questions and I realize that this man was lost he didn’t have food to eat not enough clothing to wear and he could’t tell me his address where he lives. On top of that he was very thirsty. As I looked in my car I found all those things that he needed. My sister was driving with me as well. We found a jacket In our car with that we had for emergency, we had food left overs from the restaurant that we ate an even I had the water. We had everything in our car that this man needed. As we were driving I recognized that this man is most due to his mental status. He was elderly and has dementia. I could not take him home because the name of the city that he gave me was too far away and we did not have our own place. Instead I called police and I told police about this man. They agreed to come and pick him up. Before this man left we praise for him and gave him some money. I’m not sharing this yo be recognized for this deed, but to make a point that sometimes we don’t recognize when God speaks to us, we don’t see the needs around us. But if give little bit kindness, God will open our eyes to see that we have everything to help the person in need that God sends our way.

    1. Sorry for my missing words or wrong spelling as it is hard to see on a small screen.

    2. Oh how your story touched me so! Thank you SO much for sharing this. We can all be encouraged to know, as you said, that God might be speaking to us! And what we do for the least, we do onto HIM! Thank you for taking the time to type out this beautiful story!
